Sunday, June 2, 2013

What A Rush!!

Yesterday I found a box in upstate New York that was planted almost a year ago to the day by some visitors from Georgia and never found. I love it when something like that happens! It's a raised fist, "YESSSSSSSS!" moment. Clever clues, out of the way location, cemetery! (always a plus), cool hiding spot, safe, dry, and still in pristine condition. And it was a well carved, cool little stamp to boot.

It's not listed as a mystery box, so if you're ever nearby you should check it out. It's lonely.

No, it doesn't take much to make me happy.


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

We found a box last year, similiar, but not a cemetery (sorry), that hadn't been found in 2 years - landmarks had changed some, but our persistence paid. THOSE are the boxes that really mean something. High 5 to ya!!!!

Wisconsin Hiker said...

We planted a 9-box series in NY almost 3 years ago and still haven't heard from anyone that has looked for the boxes. Apparently not many willing to do a 7-mile hike in NY....

Frances Moon said...

9 box series??!! I know not of this. I will look for it.

Frances Moon said...

I found it!! I'm afraid I am guilty of not looking on lbna much anymore. ::::hanging head in shame:::::