Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It''s Called Creativity

If you're going to plant a cemetery box, is it too much trouble to carve an image that if not specifically pertaining to someone resting in that cemetery, could at the very least have something to do with cemeteries in general or at least a historical fact about the area.

Cartoon characters do not meet this very easy requirement. Make a little effort people!


Janila said...

I totally agree, a few years ago I found a cemetery box which was hidden in the trash pile for the dead flowers from the gravesites. It had a cemetery based name and had a store bought stamp of an apple. Hmmmm....I never could make the connection. I have noticed that the planter was a once and done boxer. Not surprised at all about that.

Lone R said...

That's my biggest peeve with letterbox hybrids on geocaching.com. Most geocachers plant a letterbox with no clue that the stamp is THE most important part of the box. Ideally it should have some connection to the location or theme. You'd think that a letterboxer would know that the stamp is of the utmost importance. But for some people the stamp is an afterthought or something they're forced to put in the box in order to post it as a letterbox.

Anonymous said...

Jan, if I see one more Disney character in a wonderful old cemetery I'll scream.

Anonymous said...

Geocachers should stick to caching and let the creative people do the boxing....well except for those boxers who plant Disney characters in cemeteries. lol