Sunday, November 28, 2010

You Can't Walk On The Keyboard

Not being able to walk on the keyboard is a concept that my cat Mikey just doesn't grasp, bless his little furry heart. He gets very frustrated when the laptop is in one of his favorite lap. I have finally managed to get him at least temporarily settled beside me rather than on me. We'll see how long this lasts.

I'm still in the recovery stage of my return home and I seem to have caught a cold somewhere on the trek from Georgia to New York. I can't remember the last time I had a cold.

On Monday of last week I was walking on Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island, located just off the coast of Georgia. Jekyll Island is easily reachable by car and is a wonderfully low key place on which to wander and relax. There are lovely uncrowded beaches, small shops and several different places to stay if you don't want to travel to and from the island. It has a long, interesting, and diverse history and is, I think, a really wonderful and inexpensive place to spend a vacation. I don't think most people think of Georgia as a place to travel to but I'd go back there again just to stay on the island for a week. I found it to be very, very nice. You can take along a bike or rent one there and never get back into your car. The roads are smooth, flat and made for bike riding. But be sure and gas up that car before going since there is no fuel supply on the island.

I have no desire to get in the car, letterbox, or do anything else that requires more effort than walking to the corner deli for a bagel with cream cheese, which I think I'll do right now.

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