Contrary to what you folks out there in the heartland may think, Gotham is not just tall buildings, taxicabs, and crowded sidewalks.
This is the view directly outside my livingroom window this afternoon. My tree (I think of it as my tree) is in full bloom and is stunning. Spring is indeed starting to spring.
Why am I not outside in this stunning and springing day you may ask? I was on a much needed and well deserved vacation this week, and I boxed my middle-aged bum off. I was out on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and on Monday I planted a new box in Manhattan. Today I rest, if you can call doing battle with the Laundry Monster resting.
I am also carving a stamp for a boxer who is planning a big series and had one of the carvers pull a disappearing act, probably because of that much over used excuse, "life got in the way". If you make a promise to carve and can't keep that promise, you let the planner know in plenty of time for them to find someone else. As the person who asked me to do this said, "I would have pulled the 'get ugly' switch weeks ago. But I digress, as I often do.
Back to the old work grind on Monday. Retirement cannot come too soon!
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